7 Things to Keep in Mind If You Have Mars Retrograde Anxiety

Mars will be stationing to go retrograde in the sign of Gemini on October 30, 2022 and I’m hearing a lot of anxiety from clients about this upcoming Mars transit. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1) Mars goes retrograde every 26 months. You have already lived through quite a few of them, they didn’t all ruin your life and many would have been so uneventful that you didn’t even notice.

2) Certain signs get hit more frequently by Mars retrograde. Cancer, Leo, and Virgo get them the most, while Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces get them only rarely. This is due to the uneven pattern that Mars retrograde cycles make. Unlike Venus which makes a nice and even 5-pointed star, Mars makes a very irregular 7-pointed pattern.

3) Unlike Venus retrograde, which delivers fairly and evenly, Mars (in keeping with its irregularity and its inherent nature of divisiveness) tends to deliver something really intense or a big nothing-burger. “You get a lot and you get a tiny bit and you get nothing, life is unfair, so suck it up.”

4) Check where Gemini is in your chart. It’s been a pretty long time since we had a Gemini Mars rx, so if you’re young, you may never have experienced one yet. The house Gemini lands in will indicate the themes that might come up for you.

5) Mars rx occurring in an angular house, as a time lord, as the ruler of a zodiacal releasing period, if it’s aspecting significant planets in your chart (particularly around the station points)- anything like this might indicate a more active Mars rx period for you.

6) Mars rx does not necessarily mean bad things happen or that your life will be rife with conflict or that you’ll have a serious accident. It might just feel like a period of stagnancy, or like there is something in your life that is undergoing some revision of some kind.

7) Also keep in mind that this will be a revisiting of themes that have already been present since the end of August. What has Mars been doing in your chart since then and what may need to be revised before you can go forward again?

If you’ve still got concerns about how Mars rx will affect you, feel free to book in a reading and we can make a time to go over your chart one-on-one and get into the specifics of how it might affect your individual life.


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